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fabwiki:research:canada:delijani:chapter_6 [2023/10/15 15:16] rpschmitzfabwiki:research:canada:delijani:chapter_6 [2023/10/19 15:16] (current) – [See Also] rpschmitz
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   - <fs medium>This study did not use plasticizing admixtures. The effect of bleeding on plasticized concrete should be studied to gauge the effect of fluid loss in concretes with lower W/C rations. If fabric formwork helps bleed extra water and air bubbles out, it will also bleed the admixtures and chemicals added to the concrete mix, a phenomenon that may or may not affect the efficacy of the admixtures used in the mix design.</fs>   - <fs medium>This study did not use plasticizing admixtures. The effect of bleeding on plasticized concrete should be studied to gauge the effect of fluid loss in concretes with lower W/C rations. If fabric formwork helps bleed extra water and air bubbles out, it will also bleed the admixtures and chemicals added to the concrete mix, a phenomenon that may or may not affect the efficacy of the admixtures used in the mix design.</fs>
   - <fs medium>Due to the differences in W/C ratios and concrete strength in FF concrete, differences in qualities such as permeability and fire resistance of reinforced fabric-formed concrete members need to be studied.</fs>   - <fs medium>Due to the differences in W/C ratios and concrete strength in FF concrete, differences in qualities such as permeability and fire resistance of reinforced fabric-formed concrete members need to be studied.</fs>
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
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 <fs medium>//Place text here.//</fs> <fs medium>//Place text here.//</fs>
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